API Reference


The Contracts API endpoints provide the ability to search for one or many contracts using a variety of useful search parameters or search for one contract using a Contract ID. You can also update a contract using the Contract ID.

As a reminder, for all merchants integrated with API versions v2021-07-01 or later, all contracts are now created through our Orders API. For more information on why this change was made or the benefits of contract creation through the Orders API, please visit the main Orders API documentation page or reach out to your merchant success manager.

Please find definitions that may be helpful while using the contract endpoints available.

  • typeFilter

    • pcrs - This type represents extended warranty contracts.

    • shipping_protection - This type represents shipping protection contracts.

  • adminSyncStatus

    • sync_error - The contract could not be synced with PCRS. The error reason is logged in the adminErrorSync field.

    • synced - The contract is successfully synced with PCRS. This should result in a unique identifier for the contract being generated in PCRS, which is located in the adminContractId field.

    • unsynced - The contract sync attempt from the Extend system to the PCRS system has not been performed yet. Contracts can also be in this status if expected fields on the contract are missing (e.g. the plan expected price).

    • resync_required - Contracts set to this status will void the contract already created in PCRS and create a new contract for the resync required.

  • status (at the contract level)

    • cancelled - Contract has been canceled. Contracts are set to this status if the contract was created accidentally and a request to cancel the contract was made successfully.

    • created - Contract has been created but hasn't transitioned to the 'live' status yet. Most contracts should be created immediately in a 'live' status but there may be contract types like shipping protection where the 'created' status is used before the contract status is updated to 'live'.

    • expired - Contract has expired. Contracts will expire automatically after the contract end date.

    • fulfilled - Contract has been fulfilled through a claim that was adjudicated for the customer. This typically means the customer's claim was approved and their product has been fixed or replaced.

    • live - Contract is created successfully and is the initial status for most contracts. This status is also used for the shipping protection contract type after at least one covered product has shipped.

    • refund_accepted - Refund request was successfully accepted for the contract and merchant has refunded the customer for their Extend contract. This status is typically set after the refund has been requested and approved.

    • refund_denied - Refund request was denied for the contract. This can due to a contract already being fulfilled, the contract being in an ineligible status for a refund, or another configured rule that does not allow the contract to be refunded.

    • refund_paid - Refund has been reported as paid by the merchant and merchant will be credited for the contract in the next invoice billing cycle. This status is typically set after the refund has been accepted.

    • refund_requested - Any time a refund request is made, the contract will be updated to this status. This is not typically a final status for the contract as a decision will be made (accepted or denied) after the request is made.

    • terminated - A type of canceled contract status reserved for internal use by Extend.

    • voided - Contracts will typically not be in this status. This is used for specific contract update use cases with PCRS.

  • status (at the coverage level)

    • cancelled - This status is used if the contract status is cancelled.

    • fulfilled - This status is used if the contract status is fulfilled.

    • expired - This status is used if the contract status is expired.

    • covered_for_adh_only_by_extend - The contract only includes Accidental Damage from Handling (ADH) coverage after the manufacturer's warranty coverage period has ended.

    • covered_for_base_protection_only_by_extend - The contract only includes base protection coverage (no ADH benefits) after the manufacturer's warranty coverage period has ended.

    • covered_by_adh_and_base_protection_by_extend - The contract includes base protection and Accidental Damage from Handling (ADH) coverage. ADH benefits begin immediately after the product is purchased while base protection begins after the manufacturer's warranty coverage period has ended.

    • covered_by_manufacturers_warranty - The contract is still covered under manufacturer's warranty