JUMP TOAPI ReferenceIntroductionAuthenticationIdempotent RequestsLeads ApiLeadsCreate a leadpostGet Offer Information for a LeadgetOffers ApiOffersGet Offer informationgetShipping OffersShippingOffersGet shipping offer configgetGet shipping offer marketing textgetCreate a shipping protection quotepostContracts ApiContractsSearch ContractsgetGet Contract by IDgetUpdate ContractputOrders ApiOrdersCreate an OrderpostCreate / Update an OrderputBatch Create OrderspostBatch Create Historical OrderspostGet an OrdergetSearch OrdersgetCancel an OrderpostAdd Line Item to OrderpostLine ItemsGet an Order Line ItemgetCancel an Order Line ItempostUpdate Line Item Fulfillment StatuspostUpdate Shipment InfoputAdd Shipment InfopostDelete Shipment InfopostUpdate Line Item Delivery StatusputSearch Line ItemsgetRefunds ApiRefundsReport a Refund as PaidpostProducts ApiProductsCreate / update a productpostGet a productgetDelete a productdeleteService Orders ApiService Order Servicer Webhookservice-ordersCoreGet a service ordergetRequest payment after a service order is fulfilledpostUpdate a service orderpostSupplementalGet expenses for a service ordergetAdd an expense to the service orderpostAccept/Decline a service orderpostGenerate repair label for a service orderpostDelete/Void an expensepostGet all shipments associated with a service ordergetGet the user agreement for a customergetSign the user agreement for a customerpostGet public key for service order and claim webhooks for RSA-SHA256 signature verificationgetStart a service order repairpostApprove a service order for replacementpostSets a service order as paidpostSets a service order to closedpostApprove a service order for paymentpostStart a POPA challenge for given customer and emailpostAssign a service order to a servicerpostMark a repair service order as shippedpostAssociate a service order with a shipment and tracking numberpostResend Tremendous reward emailpostSet a service order to the accepted statuspostFind service orders associated with a given claim ID or Service Order Id. Must include claimId or serviceOrderId for searching. Cannot search by both claimId and serviceOrderIdgetUpdate an expenseputVoid a shipping labelpostSelect fulfillment method for a repairpostSelect fulfillment method for service orderpostGet servicer by sellerIdgetGet the merchant servicer settings by sellerIdgetUpload asset for a merchant servicerpostUpsert the merchant servicer settings. A merchant servicer settings object will always exist for merchantpostGet the merchant branding configuration by subdomainNamegetCreates a servicerpostGet all servicers limit search by query stringgetGets a servicer by the servicerIdgetUpdates a servicer by the servicerIdputCreates a servicer locationpostDeletes a servicer locationdeleteUpdates a servicer locationputArchives a servicerpostCreates a rate card for a servicerpostGets a list of rate cards for servicergetDeletes a rate card for a servicerdeleteUpdates the location of the service order's assigned servicerpostApprove a service orderpostUpdates a servicer by the servicerIdput https://api.helloextend.com/servicers/{servicerId}