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Common Questions or Concerns

Merchant Questions or Concerns

  1. A customer wanted coverage for a product they bought, but I can’t find it in the app
    • Extend strives to keep an up to date record of its merchants’ inventories; however due to the addition of new items or other reasons, we may not have that product in our store, preventing you from offering a warranty for it. Please notify your team or the Extend team so that we can acquire the relevant data and add it to the system.
  2. A customer wanted coverage for a product they bought, but when I look it up, the app says “No Offers”
    • Not every type of good can be warranted. Consumables or clothing are two types of items for which protection cannot be purchased. Our team of product experts review every product and determine if it can be warranted and which plan we maintain is best for it. If you feel that a product should be warranted (i.e. have offers attached to it), please reach out to your Merchant Services Manager

Customer Questions or Concerns

  1. What kind of confirmation will I have that I purchased a warranty plan?
    • Upon contract creation (which may be up to several weeks after any given transaction, depending on merchant preference), the customer will receive an email from Extend with pertinent information about the contract, including their contract ID (a 32 character alphanumeric value), coverage start and end dates, information about placing a claim, and more.
  2. How do I place a claim?
    • The easiest way to place a claim is online with Extend’s chatbot Kaley. Customers can do this by visiting
    • Extend customer support can also be reached by phone - (877) 248-7707.

Questions? Feedback?

At Extend, customer experience is our North Star, and that goes for both our merchant customers (you!) and your store’s customers as they buy your products and our protection plans. So, we want to do anything we can to make your Extend integration successful and to make your customers’ experiences outstanding.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Extend contacts at any time. And if you have any feedback about our documentation, integration process, or our APIs and SDK, we are all ears!