
Product & Shipping Protection

Integration Guide for enabling Extend Product & Shipping Protection within a SFCC SiteGenesis Store.

Welcome to Extend! We provide an easy way for any merchant to sell extended warranties - generating new revenue, increasing purchase conversion, and dramatically improving the customer experience.

This guide will walk you through the process of getting live with Extend Protection Plans, so you can start selling and earning revenue as quickly and easily as possible. The process is pretty simple - and even more simple with a connected SFCC SiteGenesis v19.10.0 store. Read on to learn more!

Official Extend Cartridge Link:

Table of Contents

Component Overview
Functional Overview
Use Cases
Privacy Policies on Payments

Implementation Guide
Setup of Business Manager
Upload cartridge & include in the cartridge path
Import metadata
Import custom jobs
Import serviceImport Extend catalog

Custom preferences

Extend Products Export
Extend Contracts Creation

Custom Code
External Interfaces
Firewall Requirements

Orders API
Shipping Offers API
Extend SDK analytics

Enable Extend
Business Manager

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