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This activation will require that you have Admin access to the Magento Store.

Production Activation Steps

  1. Go to your Magento Store Admin.
  2. Verify the integration is installed:
    1. The Extend logo should be visible as a selectable tile on the bottom of the left hand menu.
  3. Click on the Stores Tile in the left hand menu
  1. From the menu that slides out select “Configuration
  2. Expand the “Extend“ tab on the left side of the window and select “Integration
  3. On the Extend “Integrations“ page select the environment for which you would like to activate the Extend Shipping Protection integration on
    1. NOTE: By default the Demo environment will be selected. If you wish to change this to a different environment uncheck the "Use System Value" checkbox and select your environment from the dropdown menu. You will most likely then need to flush your Magento Cache
      1. Sub-Note: To add additional environments (e.g. dev, stage, etc) to integrate the Extend Module on follow the steps outlined in the Integrating Additional Environments section
  4. Click Save
  5. Click on the Extend Logo tile in the left hand menu
  6. Select “Integrations
    1. NOTE: This is a shortcut for system > Integrations
  7. Click on the Edit icon or ✏️ for the environment you wish to activate
  8. Click the “Stores Integrated With Extend“ tab on the left side of the window under “Basic Settings
  9. Select all Store Views you wish to activate the integration on
    1. This will create a unique Extend StoreId for each one of the storeviews selected
  10. Click Save
  11. Click “Activate“ on the environment you wish to integrate the Extend Module on
    1. A page will slide out showing all API permissions you will need to allow in order for the Extend integration to function properly
  12. Click Allow
    1. If you see the following error retry steps 14 and 15
  13. A new window should appear asking for your Extend Merchant Portal login credentials
  14. Your integration is now active
  15. Once you have configured your Extend Plan Settings with the Extend team you should be able to sell Extend plans on your selected stores.

Integrating Additional Non-Prod Environments

  1. Click on the Extend Logo tile
  2. Select “Integrations
    1. Demo and Production integrations should be visible. They are pre-installed by default via the module installation
  3. Additional manual integrations for other environments can be added as required using the “Add New Integration“ button located on the top right of the page
  4. Name the new integration environment
  5. add your email
  6. Enter your Callback URL for the environment you wish to create the integration on
  7. Enter the following Identity Link URL edited for the environment you wish to create the integration on
  8. Enter your Magento Admin Password in order to save the changes, but do not click “Save“ yet
  9. Click the “API“ tab on the left side of the window under “Basic Settings“
  10. Change the selection in the “Resource Action“ dropdown to “All“
    1. NOTE: This is a required step. If you fail to complete this step before saving you will need to delete the integration and start over
  11. Click Save
  12. Click on the Edit icon ✏️
  13. Click the “Stores Integrated With Extend“ tab on the left side of the window under “Basic Settings
  14. Select all Store Views you wish to activate the integration on
    1. This will create a unique Extend StoreId for each one of the storeviews selected
  15. Click Save

Uninstall Module

To remove the module in Magento, you would need to run the following in the command line:

  1. bin/magento module:uninstall Extend_Integration --remove-data
  2. In some situations, it might hang once it reaches Removing code from Magento codebase. This can be alleviated by running composer update first and then running the above.
