This activation will require that you have Admin access to the Magento Store.
Production Activation Steps
- Go to your Magento Store Admin.
- Verify the integration is installed:
- The Extend logo should be visible as a selectable tile on the bottom of the left hand menu.
- Click on the Stores Tile in the left hand menu

- From the menu that slides out select “Configuration“
- Expand the “Extend“ tab on the left side of the window and select “Integration“
- On the Extend “Integrations“ page select the environment for which you would like to activate the Extend Shipping Protection integration on
- NOTE: By default the Demo environment will be selected. If you wish to change this to a different environment uncheck the "Use System Value" checkbox and select your environment from the dropdown menu. You will most likely then need to flush your Magento Cache
- Sub-Note: To add additional environments (e.g. dev, stage, etc) to integrate the Extend Module on follow the steps outlined in the Integrating Additional Environments section
- NOTE: By default the Demo environment will be selected. If you wish to change this to a different environment uncheck the "Use System Value" checkbox and select your environment from the dropdown menu. You will most likely then need to flush your Magento Cache
- Click Save
- Click on the Extend Logo tile in the left hand menu
- Select “Integrations“
- NOTE: This is a shortcut for system > Integrations
- Click on the Edit icon or ✏️ for the environment you wish to activate
- Click the “Stores Integrated With Extend“ tab on the left side of the window under “Basic Settings“
- Select all Store Views you wish to activate the integration on
- This will create a unique Extend StoreId for each one of the storeviews selected
- Click Save
- Click “Activate“ on the environment you wish to integrate the Extend Module on
- A page will slide out showing all API permissions you will need to allow in order for the Extend integration to function properly
- Click Allow
- If you see the following error retry steps 14 and 15
- If you see the following error retry steps 14 and 15
- A new window should appear asking for your Extend Merchant Portal login credentials
- Your integration is now active
- Once you have configured your Extend Plan Settings with the Extend team you should be able to sell Extend plans on your selected stores.
Integrating Additional Non-Prod Environments
- Click on the Extend Logo tile
- Select “Integrations“
- Demo and Production integrations should be visible. They are pre-installed by default via the module installation
- Additional manual integrations for other environments can be added as required using the “Add New Integration“ button located on the top right of the page
- Name the new integration environment
- add your email
- Enter your Callback URL for the environment you wish to create the integration on
- Enter the following Identity Link URL edited for the environment you wish to create the integration on
- Enter your Magento Admin Password in order to save the changes, but do not click “Save“ yet
- Click the “API“ tab on the left side of the window under “Basic Settings“
- Change the selection in the “Resource Action“ dropdown to “All“
- NOTE: This is a required step. If you fail to complete this step before saving you will need to delete the integration and start over
- Click Save
- Click on the Edit icon ✏️
- Click the “Stores Integrated With Extend“ tab on the left side of the window under “Basic Settings“
- Select all Store Views you wish to activate the integration on
- This will create a unique Extend StoreId for each one of the storeviews selected
- Click Save
Uninstall Module
To remove the module in Magento, you would need to run the following in the command line:
bin/magento module:uninstall Extend_Integration --remove-data
- In some situations, it might hang once it reaches
Removing code from Magento codebase
. This can be alleviated by runningcomposer update
first and then running the above.
Updated over 1 year ago