
Configuring Extend

Catalog setup

  1. The 4 Extend products that need configuration are:
    • EXTEND-12
    • EXTEND-24
    • EXTEND-36
  2. In order to make the Extend products merchandisable, you need to:
    • Assign them to your storefront catalog
    • Allocate an inventory record in the inventory file assigned to the current site
      • Configure this entry as perpetual, since these are intangible goods and need to always be in-stock
  3. These Extend products do not require any description, pricing, or any other regular product attributes to be configured

Custom Preferences

  1. Go to Business Manager Merchant Tools Site Preferences Custom Preferences → Extend: Integration Preferences

Enable Extend

Global switch for all things Extend related within the environment.

Extend Store ID

Merchant specific Store ID available from their Extend account. The Store ID is environment specific (Extend production or Extend sandbox), and is required to make the API connections with Extend.

Extend Environment in Production: Defines if Extend APIs call the Extend Production environment (Yes = or Extend Demo environment (No/None = Access Token must be updated to correspond to the appropriate environment. Note: this is available from the Extend Merchant Portal and is environment specific.

Extend Access Token: Merchant specific API key available from their Extend account. This key is environment specific (Extend production or Extend sandbox), and is required to make the API connections with Extend.

Extend Store Name: This is the name of the user’s store. Used for calls to Extend API. Note: Extend Store Name is by default configured to “Online Store”

Extend Integration Method: Determines to which Extend API order data is sent.

  • Orders API on Order Create triggers the integration with Extend near real-time upon the order creation in SFCC Business Manager.
  • Orders API on Schedule creates a custom queue record (ExtendOrderQueue) upon order creation in the SFCC Business Manager, but will not integrate with Extend until the Job is run manually or on a schedule. The Job will consume the custom queue.
  • Contracts API on Schedule is a legacy feature whereby only Contract creation occurs (requires Extend API Version 2021-04-01 or earlier). Integration with Contracts API uses a Job that consumes a custom queue (ExtendContractQueue) when run manually or on a schedule. Please confirm with the Extend delivery team before selecting this option.

Product Image Size: Determines the size of the product image stored on the Extend catalog. Accepted values are “small”, “medium”, “large”, and “hi-res”. This is the image that Extend uses when sending warranty contract emails to customers. Image Size is by default configured to large, to change this you will need to type in the desired value.

Extend Refund Key: Unique key defined by the merchant to be used as part of Extend’s contract cancellation process in SFCC if applicable.

  1. Go to Business Manager → Merchant Tools → Site Preferences → Custom Preferences → Extend: Storefront Preferences

Extend SDK URL: Denotes the SDK version used on the Storefront, specifically for the Extend PDP offer, Interstitial Modal offer, and Cart offer (individual settings below).

Enable in PDP Offers: Allows merchants to enable or disable the Extend Product Detail Page (PDP) offer.

Enable Modal Offers: Allows merchants to enable or disable the Extend Interstitial Modal offer.

Enable Cart Offers: Allows merchants to enable or disable the Extend Cart offer.

Enable Analytics: Invokes Extend’s Analytics methods within the Extend SDK.

Enable Extend Shipping Protection: Global switch for Extend Shipping Protection related within the environment.
Note: Orders API is required