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Contract Configuration

Creating Extend Warranty Contracts

Once Sales Orders are populated in NetSuite with the correct warranty items, we will then need to create a Warranty Contract for each warranty item in Extend. The Extend api gives the ability to populate detailed information about the contract from NetSuite.

The mapreduce Extend | MR | Contract Create handles the creation of contracts. This Map/Reduce script references a saved search “​​***SCRIPT USE*** Extend | Contract Create Search” as a script parameter. View the criteria:

  • Item fulfillments created from Sales Orders with Extend Warranties
  • Status of Shipped
  • Created Date within the last day
    This is important because the contract’s start date should align with the shipped date of the physical product.

There is logic within the Map/Reduce to not create more contracts than items ordered. So if you have a need to execute the Map/Reduce on demand, there is no risk of interfering with a scheduled deployment. That being said, we recommend scheduling the MR deployment to run a few times per day depending on volume of item fulfillments.

Generating a Customer Return Authorization

To generate a Customer Return Authorization (RMA) directly from the Sales Order, you will want to leverage the native NetSuite customer return process. More information can be found on this process in the Netsuite Help text under Customer Return Management > Entering Linked Returns. This will allow for entry, validation of the return pre-submission, and subject returns to approvals natively, if required.

Canceling an Extend Warranty Contract

NOTE: This guide assumes a solution for creating and storing Extend contract IDs is already in place. The header or warranty line on the Sales Order should have access to the associated Extend contract ID. This will be needed for the cancellation.

Now that a Return and Item Receipt have been created for the selected Sales Order, the warranty contract will need to be canceled and a refund issued by Extend.

1. Cancel the Contract in Extend
The MapReduce Extend | MR | Contract Cancel handles the cancellation of contracts. This Map/Reduce script references a saved search “​​***SCRIPT USE*** Extend | Contract Cancel Search” as a script parameter. View the criteria:
Item receipt created from Return Authorization with Extend Warranties
Created Date within the last day

There is logic within the Map/Reduce to not cancel more contracts than items returned. So if you have a need to execute the Map/Reduce on demand, there is no risk of interfering with a scheduled deployment. That being said, we recommend scheduling the MR deployment to run a few times per day depending on volume of item receipts.