Integration Checklist
Congratulations on completing your integration! Before you push your code live, please go through this checklist and make sure everything works as expected. If you have not yet integrated with Extend, please reach out to your Merchant Success Manager for assistance.
Product Page Offers
Go to an eligible product page that is mapped to a protection plan > confirm the offer buttons render on a page with a mapped product. If you can’t find an eligible product, go to and find a product that is matched and live.
Increase the quantity of the product on the product page and ensure the offer buttons still render.
Select a new variant on the product page > confirm the offer buttons reload when the new variant is selected.
Add an Extend warranty plan to the cart from the product page > confirm the protection plan appears in the cart as a separate line item.
Product Page Modal
Go to an eligible product page that is mapped to a protection plan and click ‘Add to cart’ without selecting a protection plan > confirm the product page modal successfully launches.
Add an Extend warranty plan to the cart from the modal offer > confirm the protection plan appears in the cart as a separate line item.
Cart Offers
Go to an eligible product page that is mapped to a protection plan and click ‘Add to cart’ without selecting a protection plan> confirm the offer button renders on the cart page.
- Click on the cart offer button > confirm the modal is successfully launched.
- Add a warranty to the cart from the modal > confirm the protection plan appears in the cart as a separate line item.
Go to an eligible product page that is mapped to a protection plan and add the product and the protection plan to the cart > confirm the offer button does not render on the cart page for a product if warranty plan was added.
Add two or more eligible products to the cart without warranties > confirm the offer button renders below each product on the cart page.
Cart Normalization
Add a product and an Extend warranty plan to the cart from the product page. In the cart, increase the quantity of the Extended warranty > confirm the Extend warranty plan is automatically re-adjusted to match the quantity of the product it is associated with.
Confirm you are not able to add a single Extend warranty to the cart without its associated product.
Balanced Cart- Increase the quantity of the product > confirm the quantity of the Extended warranty also increases to match.
Unbalanced Cart- Increase the quantity of the product > confirm quantity of the Extended warranty does not increase to match.
Updated over 1 year ago